Legal Notice


Company name: SEC
Trading name: SILVERA
French limited liability company (S.A.) capitalised at €2,497,500
Registered office: 58-60 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France
Paris Business and Companies Register: 39952875100049
VAT no.: FR42399528751
Siret business identification no.: 399 528 751
APE business sector code: 4665Z
Tel.: 33 (1) 53657878
Chairman: Fabienne Silvera
Publishing Manager: Paul Silvera


96 rue de Cléry 75002 Paris
Tel : +33. / email :


2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing: 424 761 419 00011
APE business sector code: 721Z
VAT no.: FR 22-424-761-419-00011


Articles L 111-1 and subsequent of the French intellectual property code
SILVERA hereby informs you that this website is a protected work and that SILVERA owns the copyright to each of the web pages making up this website, its structure and each of the components used to create each page (photographs, text, etc.). In this context, we remind you that the use or reproduction of any part of this website in any way whatsoever is strictly prohibited unless authorised in advance by SIVERA SEC.
SILVERA SEC is not the owner of all the product visuals and/or photographs or logos shown on this website. However, all these component parts are used on the website by agreement with the copyright holding partner brands and manufacturers.
“Since sections 2 and 3 of article 41 of the French law of 11 March 1957 restrict authorisation to ‘the making of copies or reproductions that are strictly for the private use of the copier and not intended for collective use’, and analyses and short quotations extracted for the purpose of example and illustration, ‘any representation or reproduction, whether in full or in part, without the consent of the author or his successors and assignees is unlawful” (section 1 of article 40). Any such representation or reproduction would therefore constitute an infringement of intellectual property rights punishable under the terms of articles 425 et subsequent of the French Criminal Justice Code.”
Publishing Manager: Paul Silvera


SILVERA SEC offers no guarantee regarding the information and/or other elements accessible via, and neither does it guarantee that the information contains no virus or other content that may be potentially damaging to the user. Users of accept all and any consequential costs and risks arising as a result of their use of the website. Under no circumstances will SILVERA SEC accept any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect or other damage arising from the use or the operation of


The French data protection law (Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978), and specifically articles 39 and 40 thereof:
In accordance with the 6 January 1978 legislation, the SILVERA website is the subject of a declaration in France to the French Data Protection Agency (CNIL).
SILVERA SEC undertakes strictly to respect the identity, freedoms and rights of every user as required under the terms of the provisions set out in the legislation referred to above. You may contact SILVERA at any time, either at the address shown below or by e-mail at:
Any personal data that you may provide to SILVERA via this website in response to our requests for information or data for the purposes of continuously improving of our services and products, or in the course of opening a customer account or for the purpose of placing an order, will be gathered and processed fairly and lawfully, and will be used only for the purpose of serving you, or, unless you request otherwise, informing you about our products, promotions, sales campaigns, events and services. Your data are gathered purely for purposes of communication and to improve the quality of our services. They will not be disclosed to our partners or used for purposes of direct marketing without your consent. Everyone has a legal right to access, amend and delete their own personal data by e-mailing or by sending a written request to the following address: SILVERA
58 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris
For fraud prevention purposes, SILVERA SEC may request that you provide supporting evidence of your identity (identity card, proof of address, etc.).


Users of the website may not implement hypertext links pointing to the aforementioned website unless expressly authorised to do so in advance by SILVERA SEC. The website may contain links to other websites or to web pages that are not under the control of SILVERA SEC. Clicking these links will result in you leaving the website. SILVERA SEC accepts no liability whatsoever for these external websites, their content, the consequences of their use or their guarantees in terms of data or any other type of protection. Linked websites are accessed entirely at your own risk.


This legal information is subject to French law to the exclusion of any other legislation. Any dispute arising in connection with this website or legal information will be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of French courts.