


After many years of high success and occasional lows in the lighting sector, they decided to create PARACHILNA. Dedicated to decorative lighting, PARACHILNA is born from their love of luxury. For them, luxury is about the integrity of design, the quality of materials and the original craftsmanship that creates it. Preserve the skills and knowledge of the few metallurgists, glassblowers, ceramists and other skilled craftsmen who remain in Europe and, hopefully, in other parts of the world. They hope that they will find soul mates in this quest for these skills in every city on five continents; their passion being to work with designers from all corners of the globe. The entire PARACHILNA collection is available at SILVERA. To know the availability of a product in showroom, contact us on
The complete PARACHILNA lighting collection is available at our London showroom based in King’s Road Chelsea. The aballs lamp and more pieces are on display in our showroom.

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